Well hello there. It's been, what, 13 days since I last posted? Um, whoops?
Yeah, the second bit of my busy season came to full blows these past few weeks. I've spent far more time sleeping in hotels than my own bed lately. I've been lucky to get one partial day off each week for the past three. Aside from the time in New York, I've made trips to Nashville and Memphis (friends, if I missed seeing you in either of these cities, I apologize. It was all work and no play). I was -->this<-- close to having to go to Indianapolis for a week, but that fell through. Oh, and I closed on my house today which means I'm a homeowner! (Though won't be occupying said property for two more months -- sad face).
But ... it's ... over, and hopefully for four to fiveish months. (Deep sigh of relief and knock on wood).
The Modern Love Machine and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon and evening after the house closing ceremonies of taking the Modern Dogs to the park and eating sandwiches, chips and strawberries whilst drinking light beers on his apartment patio. And it was a lovely change of pace.
Basically what I'm saying is I'll be back to blogging and reading your blogs and commenting on your blogs and tweeting more often and basically being the good blog friend that I can be but haven't been for the past three months (or has it been seven months? My life has been psycho for longer than I care to remember).
In the mean time, consider this and vote below. The correct answer is OVER:Chinatown, NY. Photo by The Modern Gal
congrats on the house gal!!!
Over, obvs! And congrats on your new house. :)
Welcome back, and congrats on the house! And yes, the correct answer is OVER. People who put the roll on backwards are crazy.
While over does make the most sense in general, it's arguable that, for people with small children, under may be more appropriate so that a child like swat at the roll causes it to merely spin rather than unroll and make trash.
Over. There's no other option.
Congrats on the new home! :)
People who choose under just don't care enough about anything to even vote in a contest. Overs are dedicated to order!
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