Aunt Martha tries pole dancing as an exercise activity. Warning: watching this feels, I don't know, WRONG.
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Aunt Martha tries pole dancing as an exercise activity. Warning: watching this feels, I don't know, WRONG.
The Modern Gal
9:24 AM
Topics: celebs, health and exercise, t.v.
Uh, yeah. Wrong.
Watching Martha pole dance makes me laugh every time. Something so wrong and entertaining.
she's just all sorts of awkward, don't you think?
This was extremely entertaining. All this time I had thought i was uncoordinated. Well, I move like Martha, and there ain't no way Aunt Martha is not 100% perfect. So, since she is so fab doing this movement i must be, too!
O. MY. GOD. next time mom annoys me, this will appear in her inbox
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