So BlogHer was a whole two weeks ago and I have yet to share anything about it. I'm sure you're either sick of reading about it or have forgotten about it, so I'll keep things brief and picture-oriented.
BlogHer is an annual two-day blogging conference for mostly female bloggers to expand their horizons, be bombarded by marketing campaigns and co-mingle.
I've said it plenty of times before, but I'll say it again: whenever you have the opportunity to (safely) meet your fellow bloggers, DO IT. I've now met at least a dozen bloggers whose writing I've indulged in for more than a year and I've yet to be disappointed. You really can get to know someone well through blogging, and when you meet in person it's like you're already old friends. Thanks to BlogHer, I've also met a few bloggers that I've been missing out on for the past couple of years. I think most people who attended BlogHer would say the real-life connections you make with the people is the best thing about the conference.
Here are some other good things ...The Energizer Bunny, encountered during a party thrown by Energizer that featured free massages, free manis and free reusable battery chargers (the last one being a big, big deal as I go through batteries at work like they're going out of style).
Paula Deen meeting Mrs. Potato Head. We saw Mrs. P later in the day, so I can assure you Paula did not try to mash her and mix her with butter.
Tim Gunn. For serious. Tim Gunn. I have my photo with him and his autograph. He told me he liked the name The Modern Gal. Tim, if you're reading this, I like the name Tim Gunn. That's the back of Jessica from Everyday Adventures. Tim Gunn gave her a hug. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda jealous.
That's from my shotbun seat inside the Wienermobile. We took it for a spin around the Loop. I got to use the PA system to wish everyone on Michigan Avenue a 'bunderful day.' I tweeted from the Wienermobile and now have the t-shirt to prove it.
I will say this about BlogHer (and duck while a few people try to throw eggs at my face) -- I got nothing out of the conference sessions. All the ones I encountered were either too basic for my level of blogging or too touchy-feely for my style of blogging (or directed at mommybloggers, which I obviously am not). If I go next year I'm buying the pass that only gets me into the lobby, the expo center (ahem, swag) and the cocktail parties and saving a chunk of change in doing so.
BlogHer ladies, I miss you. Let's meet back up in Chicago, say tomorrow afternoon?
shotbun? this is why you are my writing hero and i want to be you.
Looks like fun to me...if my Inbox has a picture of you and Tim Gunn in it at some point I'd be alright with that too. :)
The general consensus I've heard about BlogHer is that the sessions are worthless but the parties are fun. Sounds like you had an awesome time (TIM GUNN, ZOMG!) Maybe I'll go next year!
I wish I could take credit for 'shotbun,' but that was from the Wienermobile driver. They have pretty much every hot dog-related pun nailed down.
KG: Coming your way.
i would love to come back and meet up in chicago again. i can't wait til next year.
i think im with you on the idea that i don't think i would get much for the actual conference sessions.
i do this shit for a living (NOT the plum, but ya know other social media for clients), but meeting up with other bloggers, networking, and the swag (obvy) would all be worth it.
i'm in for 2010!
You are more than welcome to come visit and stay with me ANY TIME! I miss you :(
And your picture of Paula Deen still cracks me up. I look at it whenever I feel down :)
count me in for NYC 2010
A) I am jealous- Paula Deen AND Tim Gunn!, B) I am definitely going next year- NYC!, C) You drove the Wienermobile?! How did I miss that Tweet?
come back, us Chicago ladies miss you! we'll just have to make sure katelin and heidi can come too.
if not, see you in NYC for 2010!
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