A bit of news before getting to today's regularly scheduled programming:
Remember how crazy the food establishments were going on Election Day giving away free stuff? Free doughnuts, free coffee, etc.? I guess Tax Day is the new Election Day, because they're doing it again. Maggie Moos is doing a free scoop day on Wednesday, Cinnabon has Tax Day bites (clever) and Taco Del Mar has free tacos. P.F. Changs is offering 15 percent discounts off your bill on Wednesday as well. Whitney Matheson, who scouted all the free stuff first, reminds you to wear baggy pants that day.
Now, to the post at hand.
It's been a while since I've mentioned How I Met Your Mother, but there's been a lot of gossip trickling out from the producers in the past week or two that I thought I'd share.
First, the big one: Co-creator Carter Bays told Entertainment Weekly that the producers will address the title of the show by the end of the season. Of course, everyone interpreted that to mean The Mother will be revealed. According to the Have You Met Ted? blog (which all you HIMYM fans should read because it's totally awesome), that's not the case, but we will see a return of The Mother's yellow umbrella clue. (I'm totally convinced the producers don't even know who The Mother is yet).
Definitely read this Have You Met Ted? post. The writer also got a chance to talk with Bays and has some great tidbits about the show. My favorite hunk of information is that the show's writers all love Victoria and would like to see what happens with her. I love this, because I'm still pulling for Victoria to be The Mother.
The season finale (there should be four episodes left after tonight's) will deal with Barney and Robin. I absolutely hated their romantic involvement when it was first introduced, but I've been made a believer after watching this video. They are soulmates, although I think it would still be weird if they start openly dating.
Lastly, you know Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders have been pregnant all season, right? Here's a story on the producers' efforts to "hide" the pregnancies. I love that they're doing it in such a tongue-in-cheek way and they didn't try to make either Lily or Robin pregnant.
There's allegedly a new episode tonight, although I can't find a description of it anywhere.
(Cheers to Pop Candy and Have You Met Ted?)
theirrr....meat....is delicious.
so i just watched the episode. i'll give it a 6 out of 10 - not my favorite of the season, but they all can't be right?
it is the best comedy on television though. hands down.
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