Modern Friends, it's time to kick it up a notch. This is unacceptable:
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I was hoping for PG-13 at the very least. Someone please talk about sex or something.
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Modern Friends, it's time to kick it up a notch. This is unacceptable:
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Sites
The Modern Gal
9:37 AM
Topics: movies, public service announcement, time waster
ha ha, I pulled a PG-13 and I only said sex once. I'm surprised the god damn didn't kick me into R.
as for your sex talk for a ratings bump...
How about the person Bentonville, Arkansas who comes to my blog every day at the nearly the same time on a search for "what does a condom look like?"
Ok, not exactly talking about sex, but sort of? I don't want to send you into R ratings! ;-)
Does that help?
I was going to write "doody" or something in the comments, but Courtney already trumped me.
Don't feel too bad, I had to give it a try and I am a G too. We just aren't dirty girls, are we?
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