I nearly forgot that today is The Modern Gal's blogoversary. Hard to believe since she doesn't look a day over six months.
I've been blogging for a hair over three years now, but it was one year ago today I launched the first post and then the second here at the MG. I've been trying to think of a creative way to mark the first blogoversary, but it seemed like all the good blogoversary post ideas were taken. (This, by the way, is my 549th post.)
I've been a bit introspective today because it's been a crazy bad, bad week and weekend. And when I recalled that it was my blogoversary, it hit me just how far I haven't come in a year.
Yes, that's right ... how far I haven't come. Story time.
A year ago, the idea for the MG blog was born out of a conversation between the Modern Beau and myself. We were at dinner, and I was sobbing about how miserable I was. I hated that I felt like I sucked at my job. I hated that I never saw my friends because of my job. I hated that I had few hobbies because I had no time for them. Etc. Etc. The MB helped me brainstorm ideas of things that might make me feel better. After a few vetoed ideas, he suggested I start a new blog for modern girls just like myself. I was hooked from first thought and spent the next day or two coming up with a name (the modern girl identity was already accounted for all over the internets, but Modern Gal suit me better anyway) and hastily throwing together a design I could live with (remember the green-and-purple-and-newspaper-print background?)
Fast foward a year, and I 'm sitting in my car this morning with the MB, once again sobbing about how miserable I was. I feel like I suck at my job. I never see my friends because of my job. My job consumes every waking thought I have and is going to keep me from properly celebrating Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.
What's crazy is that my life hasn't been stagnant between Point A and Point B. If you've been around for much of this past year, you'll know it's been anything but: I spent so much time commuting between two cities three hours apart; I sort of switched jobs; I lived with the MB for eight months; I sold my house; I moved to a new place; I had ups and downs in my personal relationships; I saw my best friend get married; etc. It's been about as eventful of a year as it could have been, and certainly there were parts of it I enjoyed.
I guess the lesson in this is that life is, in fact, isn't about Point A or Point B. It's about all that time in between. Yet, I still cling to the notion that my life can be better by the time my second blogoversary rolls around. I've already committed myself to the idea that I'm going to work toward a new job. Unfortunately, getting there will take money and patience, and I'm working on stockpiling both.
So while I may not be any better come my second blogoversary, I do promise to you that I will be there for it and that I'll have taken an unstraight path to get there. But, I refuse to give up hope that a year from now I'll be writing about how blissfully wonderful things are.
Happy Blogoversary.
You have a great attitude towards life, and have already achieved a ton, so remember that you are a very impressive person.
You will achieve that happiness that you're looking for, and you so richly deserve. You seem like a great planner, so I have faith that you will achieve your next goals for a better job.
Good luck in the next year! I look forward to reading all about it.
Happy Blogoversary!
Sadly I haven't been around for the whole ride, but I have enjoyed your blog ever since I found it.
And you are right - it is all about that time in between. :)
Best wishes on the next blogging year!
Happy Blogiversary! Hope your Monday is better than the weekend.
I know exactly how you feel about wanting to "work toward a new job." I'm in the same boat, and it feels like such an undertaking! Tying up loose ends, job searching, interviewing...it's definitely something you have to work toward.
congratulations MG!!!! and 549 is A LOT of posts!!!
Happy Blogiversary! I'm sorry you're feeling poopy. But there's nothing like a milestone to make you take stock of things and motivate you to make changes.
A year from now I hope we're both blogging about how glorious life is.
Happy Blogover...oooh cupcakes x
Congrats! I, for one, am always happy to open up my feed reader and see a new post from The Modern Gal. And here's to an even better second year!
Congrats? Maybe?
At no point in this post did you ask for advice, but: Quit your job tomorrow.
549 posts? For real? That's pretty incredible. With all that blogging it's a wonder you get anything else done. But whatever, as long as you keep it up, MG-style.
TutuGirl: Thanks for the sweet comment.
Ashley: Thanks so much!
NPW: I think, by rule, a Monday is not allowed to be better than the weekend, but thanks :)
Candy: Yep, and it's hard to leave gainful employment that pays fairly well.
Alexa: Dude, I know. Imagine what else I could have been doing.
Courtney: Cheers to that.
LizSara: What if I put a sparkly cupcake up? Would that be twice as distracting?
Suzy: That just made my day.
Mickey: I'm always open to unsolicited advice. If I do quit, we're going to have a couch-sitting war.
I haven't been along for the year but I adore your blog and have since the first post I stumbled across.
I know how you feel about jobs. I'm wondering if I will ever love my job or whether I need to make some sort of peace with work.
Work is probably going to be part of our lives for a while so I think that whats important are the hours outside of work.
Good luck with next year!
Happy blog birthday! Here's to another year!
Happy Blogaversary!
Happy Blogaversary! And many more!
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