This guest post brought to you from The Nerdy One at Embracing my Nerdiness.
Hello Modern Gals (and guys) I thought that I would try and help The Modern Gal relax on her mini-vacation and doing a little blogging in her honor. I have to say that I am a little intimidated to try and write with the wit, quality, or professional manor that The Modern Gal has come to be known for……so I won’t try.
One of the many things that I think is part of being “Modern” in any sense of the word is trying to be green. Not to say that this is an easy task but more like a life style change. Eating local goods, purchasing items with less packaging, and even planning your trips before running errands can all help save on your contribution to emissions but there are some other things you can do. Becoming green is a lifestyle change, and that means incorporating it into your everyday.
So, without further ado, here are some things you help you Modern Gals to be greener girls and guys without compromising your lifestyle.
Ecorazzi: The latest in green Gossip: The website will meet all your needs for gossip (with a green slant) as well as film and TV, music, fashion, cars and houses, animals, events and even shopping. A wonderful site for you green minded girls who love the celebrity gossip sites.
Great Green Goods: Everything featured on this blog is created out of recycled materials and is centered on items for your house, office, fashion, and beyond.
Miss Malaprop: A New Orleans blogger who centers her life around “indie” finds with a green twist. Features often include those things on the cusp of up and coming trends in the world of green and recycled. Her latest post included her obsession with earrings.
Green Living: A site for everyone that allows for easy searching for items for home, garden, kids, pets, fashion, and even features fair trade and bed and bath items. Allows for easy searching for all things eco-friendly.
Green Clean: This extremely helpful website allows alternatives to all those chemical based cleaning supplies that can cause so many health problems through their use. Baking soda is key!
Ecocho: As an alternative to Google, check out this site. For every 1000 searches made, Ecocho grows 2 trees that offsets a ton of greenhouse gases. Just the simple things can make a difference.
50 Ways to Help the Planet: A simple and easy to follow way the help make your life greener and help save our planet. 50 simple and effective ways to spring you forward into greener living.
Green Resource Online: Top 25 Shopping sites: This great article lists the top 25 shopping sites that should satisfy all the Modern Gal’s shopping needs.
Hope these sites help make that transition into greener and eco-friendly a little less daunting and more Modern.
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