Modern Gal v. the weight, official score:
-minus 1.8 pounds since the start of Weight Watchers
-minus about 5.5 pounds since I started keeping track
(no pictures this week, perhaps next)
This week hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be adhering to a strict Weight Watchers calorie/fat/dietary fiber count, but it still hasn't been easy.
I was surprised at how easily I was able to say no to all the extra servings of baked beans and cobbler on the Fourth of July. As it turns out, I really have been eating way more food than I ever needed without even realizing it. We all know that our portion sizes are out of control, but I think anyone who actually makes a conscious effort to stick to eating real portions will be shocked at just how small they are.
I was able to stay within my point limit last week, but only with the help of nearly all my bonus points. The two days I tried to simply stick to my daily allotment without using any bonus points ... well ... let's just say it took every ounce of brain power to keep myself from walking to the snack machine at work. They say this gets easier after a couple of weeks.
Probably the hardest point I reached this week was when my Mexican aunt spent all Saturday teaching me how to make her to-die-for tamales, and I had to quickly backaway from the fruits of our labor because each tamale is worth something like 4.5 points. I could eat 10 of them (which would be more than twice my daily allotment).
But 1.8 pounds in one week is enough to make me want to keep going. If I were able to keep that pace up, I'd reach my goal in 10 weeks. Only 10 weeks. Two and a half months. I know that won't be the case. "You'll reach a plateau," my mom says, "and that's when it really gets hard." This isn't hard enough? I plan on printing out photos of myself to help get past that point when I get there. One copy of the photo which inspired this whole renewed dedication and another of me at my goal weight some six years ago.
In the mean time I'm going to keep thinking about every calorie, every fat gram and every unit of dietary fiber going into my diet and hoping that the feeling that I'm obsessing over food will go away.
It's so awesome that you're doing that! Don't obsess about the calories too much, or you'll drive yourself crazy! I definitely have faith that you can do this!
Go you, go you, go you
i'm doing my WoodybehindthebarinCheers happy dance for you :D
Congrats on the loss! That's fantastic!
It is amazing how little we actually NEED to eat and how much is just what we want to eat.
Well done you.
How many points do you get a day? When I last did WW I got 22 a day. Am a little confused that you seem to get 50 odd?
"...each tamale is worth something like 4.5 points. I could eat 10 of them (which would be two-thirds of my daily allotment)"
Am I going mad?
Congrats on the almost 2 pounds and over 5 pounds. That's great. I'm hoping to get back on the wagon after my trip next week and start seeing the numbers drop. I feel like it shouldn't be too hard since I haven't been exercising for the past 18 months. I think that'll probably put it in fast motion for me. I hope.
Good job! I know how easy it is to start to obsess over food. I've been trying to do my fruit/veggie/home-made bread cleanse & now all I can think of are high calorie processed foods! I want some! Hang in there and keep up on the exercise.
Tutugirl: It's a fine line
LizSara: That WoodybehindthebarinCheers happy dance totally made my day. I think I may do one of my own.
Allie: I knew I was overeating, but I was in total denial just how much.
NuttyCow: MG = FAIL. There's a reason I never went into a math-related field. I get 21 points a day now and have correct my math in the post. Thanks!
PP: Getting back into my workout routine is definitely the next step. I have been way lazy ever since going through the house sale.
hooray! congrats on the loss. keep it going : )
That is great news on your Weight Watchers diet. Congrats and keep it going!!
I tell you again, super congrats to you! I bet by now you've already lost another pound, I'm so far behind on my blog reading!
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