I think this website may have been around for a while, so you may already be familiar. I seem to remember looking at it a few months ago and *not getting it.* Today, however, I can't stop hitting the refresh button. I just can't get enough.
OmNomNomNom is a site where you find pictures of everyday scenes that have been turned into monsters who are nom nom-ing. There are a few tasteless ones, but most of them are fantastic.Says the website: If you're not saying 'Om Nom Nom Nom' out loud at the same time as looking at these pictures then you're doing it wrong.
My newfound love for this site obviously goes back to the fact that the Cookie Monster was is my favorite Sesame Street character.
The Cookie Monster was my favorite, too.
Tee hee this is fantastic!
if you think that's funny, look at this
Theron: Look at that and what? Think it's not funny? SUCCESS!
That site's always good for an a.m. laugh.
How fun! I like sites like this, you can't help but smile.
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