Every time The Modern Gal masters a new social internet site, she realize that the next big site is out there waiting for her.
I'm not necessarily one to be caught up on the latest technology or the newest trend, even though I like to at least know about them. But I do like to sign up for each new site as soon as I learn about them, mostly to keep the world out there from stealing The Modern Gal identity on a brand new site. (Because there already are some false MG appearances out there, and we don't need more. Consider any MG appearance not linked to this blog a false one).
So, I signed up for Tumblr a few days ago, without really being sure why I needed something that was kinda like a blog and kinda like Twitter, both of which I obviously already abuse. I mean what else could I possibly find to talk about? Or find the time with which to write even more?
But, when I woke up this morning cranky as all get out and needing to vent (but feeling like the MG blog wasn't really the place to do it and Twitter just didn't give me enough words), I realized the Tumblog was just the place.
Because I'm a writer and I love to put everything I write out there for consumption, I'm offering you the link to my Tumblr page. But be forewarned: it's not going to be an extension of the MG blog or my tweets. It's going to serve as my own personal diary for when I need to be a little more personal than my m.o. here allows. I don't know that it will be at all interesting to anyone, and it will probably be more than a little moody. But if that's your thang, have at it.
I don't plan on linking to it here, beyond this very post, 'cause the idea is to keep it a wee bit removed from what's going on here. So if you just really, really, really want to read it, bookmark the link.
i thought about starting a tumblr but i dunno what i'd write. i do like the idea of keeping it separate therefore slightly more...personal. but i have a written journal. but writing online is just so much easier...
following you on twitter btw! :)
I need like a week before I can think about tumblr. I'm still trying to deal with twitter.
I feel a little stalkerish also following you on my tumblr...but not so much not to. I have one but I really just reblog things that I like ...mostly music. I don't try to come up with much on my own so I don't really consider it a blog. If that makes sense.
I've been wondering what Tumblr is and why everyone is so excited.
Heidi: I've tried for years to keep a handwritten journal, it's so romantic. But I'm also a slow writer. The result: about five or six handwritten journal books with four or five entries in them.
Noelle: I know what you mean. I'm really not trying to hard on this tumblr thing.
KG: Why didn't you tell me you have a reblog??? I'm now stalking you.
Vanessa: There are some really great blogs on Tumblr, mine is not quite so ambitious.
I really enjoy peoples "rants." It seems to give more of an insight into their personality....I will defiantly be reading it!
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