Since several of y'all asked me if my Hypercolor shirt still works, I figured I'd just address it in a separate post, the answer being sorta. As in if you concentrate your hot air onto one spot of the shirt, cupping your hands around your mouth as you do so in order to get maximum heat from your breath, you get a hint of pink mixed in with the shirt's already purple color. Merely slapping your hand on the shirt doesn't result in the old handprint-on-the-Hypercolor-shirt effect.
I wish I'd had the foresight to take a picture of it before I packed it away, but alas, my brain was operating on its usual tunnel-vision mode with the vision at the end being a clean, attractive, staged home ready for the real estate market. Apologies. My shirt? Looks like this except it just says "Hypercolor" where that logo is. The hand thing? Doesn't work so well anymore.
While I'm at it, I'd like to address a few other things and solicit some feedback. I've noticed a few others complaining on Twitter about something I too have been complaining of: Blogger's word verification on the comments are now so freakin' small and squished that it's impossible to distinguish the letters. It usually takes me at least three tries to get a comment verified. I, like I assume most other Blogger bloggers who use word verification do, use the word verifications to keep the spammers away. Because, really, I hate spam.
But because Blogger has made it so freakin' difficult, I will remove the word verifications. Just help me out in scaring the spammers away, k? Public ridicule and humiliation encouraged. I reserve the right to reinstate word verification, however, if the spam gets outta hand.
The Modern Gal agrees that this has gotten a bit ridiculous. Am testing new policy.
Also, this brings me to another point. I started using Blogger long ago with a previous blogging incarnation mainly because at the time it was the first blog service I could think of and it integrated so beautifully with my Google accounts. I realize now that I'm probably more of a Wordpress-kinda girl, but I feel that I'm in too deep with Blogger, especially since the lovely Jess is currently working on some updates to my blog layout. Has anyone out there made the Blogger to Wordpress switch and is there an easy way to go about it? Or should I just put up and shut up? Or maybe just put off any sort of platform change 'til way down the road? Advice welcome.
My million dollar idea that I'll never act on was Hypercolor furniture. Cool, no?
I disabled word verification from the get-go and I've only ever gotten one spam comment.
I've never had word verification on my blog and only had 2 spam comments. Not too bad. The words yesterday were brutal. I tried some so many times, I ended up copy pasting into email if I had the person's contact info. There was one I tried 6 times! Ridiculous!
Hm, I think in turned on comment verification on the third day of my blog's existance after receiving spam the day before. Maybe that was the only time I'll ever have to deal with it.
I did the blogger to wordpress switch, and it was gloriously simple. I don't have any customization on either of my blogs, so that helped. But all the posts made it over safely, and I did it without support from a very technically-minded person.
Better yet, Wordpress's Askimet feature really filters the spam well. It doesn't do shit for anonymous hate comments, but there is a feature where a commenter has to be approved the first time, and now that I've installed that, it's been working wonderfully. I highly recommend the switch, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for turning off verification.
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