Slave to Target spotted these reuseable Target shopping bags at her local store. They're made from recycled Target shopping bags and cost $5.99. I don't know that they're available everywhere, but I certainly hope they are.
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Slave to Target spotted these reuseable Target shopping bags at her local store. They're made from recycled Target shopping bags and cost $5.99. I don't know that they're available everywhere, but I certainly hope they are.
The Modern Gal
9:10 PM
Topics: going green, shopping
I have such a strong desire to buy all the wonderful reusable bags for sale, but that really defeats the point since I have some pretty good totes that are already in use.
We have solid red bags at the Target by my house. I haven't seen these bullseye bags.
So not only are they selling reusable bags, but they're made from recycled bags! Brilliant! When exactly did Target become this cool? It was always a good store and all, but lately...
Those bags also look very wonderful. We don't have a Target here but we do have Walmart and they have the reusable bags for sale. Last time I checked they were $1.00 but not as nice looking as the bullseye bags.
Noelle: I have the very same problem which I'm trying to overcome.
Jenn: I've heard of these, but haven't seen them. I gather they're a bit cheaper?
Mickey: We'll convert you yet.
Minda: Any bag will do, though the most durable ones are best ... Some are so cheap that they fall apart after a few uses and totally defeat the purpose.
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