The Modern Gal is taking a vow of anti-commercialism for the remaining three days before Christmas. If you haven't figured out what you want to get/do for your loved one by this point, you are beyond my help. Plus it's time to focus on things more important, which according to the Christmas icebreaker activity is eating, boozing, partying, gambling and tacky Christmas lights. I love the festiveness of this crowd.
On that note, it's time to start preparing for tomorrow's Festivus activies. Have you got your pole yet? Be prepared to air your grievances right here on The Modern Gal blog! I'm not sure what feats of strength will be performed, but I'm imagining something that involves dinner with Angie at the Waffle House*, partying at the Crazy Ohioans' place* and (just to shake things up a bit) Michael Kors and his mother. The Modern Gal has a very high strength-to-weight ratio.
*See aforementioned Christmas icebreaker for reference
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