After weeks of teasing the Modern Gal with re-runs and marathons, Project Runway is back. I am pleased, though the first episode is usually a drag as it's mostly a formality. Contestants have to be introduced, outfits made, catwalk strutted upon and the judges have to churn through 15 designs all in an hours time. Too much in too little time with absolutely no drama. Check back next week.
In the mean time, I leave you with the Heidiism of the century:
"Her model looked like she was pooing fabric." It's ok, Heidi. Pooed fabric is enough to place anyone in shock.
So if you could only pick one show to ever watch again which would you pick: The Real Housewives, Life on the D List, or Project Runway?
Oh crap, that choice would kill me if I ever had to make it. I guess I'd go with the D-List since Kathy is my idol.
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